Atlas of the Iron Age

, by Agnès

On a small scale (between 1/500 000e and 1/10.000.000e), this project aims at placing, at the disposal of every body, a selection of Iron Ages’ sites. The geographical precision will be limited to the centre of each commune in which the site was discovered. The Net surfers will be able automatically to consult the data base as an atlas/dictionary of reference (where are all the xx in Europe? What do we know at such time on such area?). The atlas will propose, in order to complete these specific answers «Where? What? , When?», some enriched maps on the same themes. Moreover, some links will be given to obtain more information and comments by researchers.

See the detailed overview

Access to the Atlas


  • France  :
    • O. Buchsenschutz, DR CNRS, AOROC
    • M. Cartereau, MC AGRO Paristech, AOROC
    • K. Gruel DR CNRS, AOROC
    • M. Levery, AOROC
    • M. Diliberto, AOROC
    • Stagiaires SIG : E. Tribouillard (2017)
  • Italy :
    • V. Cicolani, AOROC, ANR CAECINA
    • J. Leone, ANR CAECINA
    • K.Gruel DR CNRS, AOROC
    • S. Bourdin , SRF, ANR CAECINA
  • Germany :
    • Caroline von Nicolai, LMU
  • Spain :
    • J. Lleres, AOROC